Aquiloni dotati di led lluminosi che posso essere scambiati per oggetti volanti non identificati
In questo video inserito nel canale Youtube, tratto da un servizio di un tg asiatico.
Vediamo come viene fatto volare un aquilone dotato di led luminosi, che facilmente
potrebbe essere scambiato per un oggetto volante non identificato.
L'effetto luminoso prodotto dai led e molto realistico, se questo tipo di aquilone viene
fatto volare ad altezze considerevoli, farebbe cadere nell'errore un occhio non
esperto, con il risultato di essere convinti di vedere un ufo.
Guardate e giudicate da soli.
I realize this is a long and boring video, but I just wanted to prove that this thing was indeed real, and there for a long, long time and that I'm not faking this shit (notice how other people
around are also looking at it). The reason I filmed for so long was that I was hoping to catch it when it disappeared, to see how it would leave (slow, fast, or just fade away) but It wouldn't go
away and at some point I just had to go and leave it. :-(
Sorry for the bad quality btw, I was far from my home and had nothing else than my Nexus One mobile phone on me, and it doesn't have a zoom for filming video. I took some pictures with the
digital zoom however, skip to the end of the video to see them in normal size, then zoomed at 150%.
Here's the story: I was walking on Huahai road with my wife tonight when we suddenly noticed that thing in the sky... It seemed quite far up, looked huge, and had bright flashing lights of
different colors. It would flash its lights into different patterns, and change colors, as if it really wanted to catch people's attention. Yes, I know there are LED kites and I've seen many of
those in the past, but I'm really not sure if this was actually one of them. There were many other people looking up at the sky, and I discussed it with some other witnesses and we all seemed to
agree that this looked different than a kite, much higher, bigger, etc. At some point there were even 2 of them, and I think I even saw tiny ones flying around the big one at some point!
Anyway I'm not sure what to think about this. I know it could possibly just be a kite, but as I said I've seen plenty of those before here in Shanghai and it wasn't quite like that. Also, no
matter how far I would walk away from it, it would always seem to be at the same distance. If it was a kite it would get smaller and smaller!
Unrelated but also in the video: Just after the second UFO disappeared, some guys broke into a fight or something, he almost ran over his girlfriend and other people with his car and seemed
drunk, then escaped with his car and almost killed people on the road!! Anyway, definitely a strange and eventful full-moon night.